
I earned a PhD in biomedical science and a JD in law, I have expertise in molecular genetics, general public health, and legislative concepts. I've authored several scientific articles, a poetry book and a children’s book series on science. I hope to encourage and promote fundamental interest and understanding in the sciences. Aside from my day job in the field of health science, I am part owner of a boutique publishing company based out of Atlanta, GA. I enjoy science fiction, Greek and Roman history as well as vampire sagas. I have two adorable dogs, enjoy writing poetry and love New York style pizza.

Favorites (hover / click to see name)

  • music

    • Hip Hop- Old School
    • R & B
    • Reggae
    • Soul
  • movies

    • X-Men: The Last Stand
    • Requiem for a Dream
    • The Color Purple
  • I am BlerdNation because...

    In all of my oblivion, I only recently realized that many of the things that I enjoy doing some how qualify me as being a nerd.... and virtue of being black I'm a blerd. When I got wind of this blerd concept I was intrigued and really felt aligned, it liberated me to some extent. Being black shouldn't define your likes wants and interests- we aren’t all one thing- its ok to like what you like, there are no rules when it comes to interests, it makes us who we are.

  • Who is your blerd role model? Why?

    I always say my mom- but it's true. I don't think she would qualify as a blerd, but maybe, I'm not sure. I could think of no bigger cheerleader and no person more responsible for making me feel comfortable with being me. She's the perfect mom.... FOR ME. She never allowed me to succumb to insecurity and encouraged me when I needed it most. I was so concerned with what the world thought especially when it came to sharing my expressions. I’ve spent much of my life thinking I was average at best- but she wouldn't accept that. She wouldn't let me allow the world to run me over... and believe me they got close. In addition to that wonderful and lengthy explanation- she feeds me and she feeds me

  • How do you stay connected to other blerds?

    I don't really make much of an effort to connect with too many people. I guess at this point mostly social media. I'm a self admitted recluse.

  • What’s your most awkward blerd moment?

    So it happens to me all the time and it started a long time ago. I just always strung together weird words and phrases growing up. These days- I'll say something like 'H20' to refer to water or the 'XY' to refer to men. Depending on the setting some people get it and some people don't. Now a days-I'm over it.

  • What’s your favorite word/phrase?

    I’m soooo serious! (I've got a flare for drama behind closed doors); The train has left the building! ; The runaway train of crazy! (I credit my business partner with that last one)

  • What are your goals/passions?

    I'm going to be really abstract and vague- but its creating opportunities for myself where I can have freedom of expression, remain challenged and pay it forward.

  • What are you listening to, watching, or reading that impacts you or that is giving you a different perspective?

    My mom and my fiance are super positive -I am not scared to try new things with them around and it keeps me aspiring everyday. I tend to avail myself to these crazy causes and that keeps things in perspective as well. As far as shows/tv -I like the Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and watching the ID channel more than I should. I also love watching a lot of documentaries.

  • Are there any famous, or not-so-famous, people that you think would be a great addition to BlerdNation?


  • What advice would you give to other blerds?

    Be yourself and be happy with being you. Remember that it is a lot easier to criticize than to create.

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