What Hippocrates Said
Monday, May 20, 2013
Hey, BlerdNation!
My name is Marilyn and I’ll be your Blerdy neighborhood Health and Wellness/Kids and Family blogger. I’ve been working and studying in the field of health and wellness for over seven years as a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Herbalist, Raw foods Educator, Yoga Teacher, and more. I’ll be bringing you healthy tips, recipes, stories, reviews, and, hopefully, a little inspiration for your day to day journey as a healthy blerd.
“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses.” - Hippocrates
But, wait, there’s MORE! I’ll also be serving up some great information on life with kids! I've been a parent for over 12 years and have two amazing kids of my very own. I've also spent the last two decades working and living with many, many other children as a teacher, tutor, mentor, friend, and caregiver. So, if you have kids, know kids, or occasionally see them around and you enjoy learning about and discussing issues like education, kids and technology, kid’s health and nutrition, stages of development, sibling and family dynamics, and all of the parenting and community issues encompassed therein, then I’ll be your blogging blerd ambassador!
So what do you want to read more about? Hit the comments and leave some ideas and suggestions for what you’d like to see in future posts. Let the journey begin!
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