Allow Me to Introduce Myself...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
My name is Shala. Thanks to BlerdNation graciously inviting me into the blog family, I’ll be the featured film blogger, covering all things related to movies, especially independent film.
I have been involved in the film bloggers community for over a year now, maintaining my own blog Life Between Films, an online journal of sorts of my perspectives, thoughts, and experiences with independent film. In my blog I also discuss how film has influenced my personal style and musical tastes. For the past four years, I have traveled around North America attending film festivals (Sundance, Tribeca, Toronto), screening some of the best cinematic features, and meeting aspiring filmmakers and fans of film. In addition, I am currently a film festival contributor for The Large Association of Movie Blogs (LAMB) as well as a features writer for Filmophilia, a international movie site.
Now I am bringing some of my experiences to BlerdNation where I will focus on "hipster" films and other creative things blerds may be interested in. Also, I am open to interviewing filmmakers with projects to promote and/or discuss.
All suggestions for my film posts are welcomed; please let me know what you are most interested in. Don’t be afraid to reach out to me with your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas (leave a comment or email me)!
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